We had family (Brent, Tracy & Andrie, Ernie & Dodie Blok, Al & Ellen Wanek),and friends to share our meal. We had a wonderful day sharing with family & friends.
I have much to thank God for this year. We hoped to have moved to PA by now, but we are still in Wisconsin. Winter has started, its in the 20's this weekend. Today the sun is shining so the will be good. Both Ed & I are healthy and stay busy. We are interim pastors at Watertown Assembly, a great group of people given to hospitality.
Several things are highlighted for me this year. 1) I worked at the Compassion Clinic Praise Fellowship hosted again. 2) My husband is an executive board member for Teen Challenge in Milwaukee, they invited our former president George W. Bush to be our speaker for their fund raiser banquet this month. Ed & I had our picture taken with the president!!! The entire evening was one I will forever remember!!!
God has been good to me. Growing up Amish and Thanksgiving meals with my family. We raised turkeys on our small farm for several years.
Our customers came from nearby cities. They would place their orders and mom, along with my older sisters would butcher these turkeys for Thanksgiving mostly. The most I remember was having an order for 100 turkeys for one day. Mom asked a neighbor to come and help. I went to school so escaped lots of work!!! My job was to feed them daily which I mostly enjoyed. (Of course I am sure I did lots of grumbling too!!)